You can find Middie Blythe Doll‘s measurements as well as convert between centimeters and inches easily on this page. Please share it with your friends. Scroll down to view our flash sale activity.
Please note that this measurement page is created using the real product samples of our jointed Middie Blythe Dolls, and there might be a small margin of error.
Type a value in the Inches field to convert the value to cm:
Type a value in the cm field to convert the value to Inches:
Thanks so much for this handy chart. As a Blythe customizer, it is helpful to have these measurements on hand when shopping for fabrics and accessories.
Bookmarking this blog post for when I get customizing! Thank you so much 😀
I love these little beauty, now I have the little, the middie and the normal blythe. A beautiful family😁🥰
Very helpful!
Does anyone have the bust, waist, and hip measurement for middle blythe?
About the author Meet Jenna Anderson, the charming Customer Service Enchantress and Blythe doll aficionado at This Is Blythe. With her passion for all things Blythe and exceptional communication skills, Jenna guides customers to their perfect dolls while crafting enchanting blog posts that captivate the Blythe community. Known fondly as the "Blythe Whisperer," her dedication, expertise, and love for Blythe dolls make her an invaluable team member. Outside of work, Jenna's creativity extends to miniature doll accessories, photography, and arts and crafts, inspiring those around her. Read more about Jenna's captivating journey in the world of Blythe dolls here. Follow Jenna Anderson on: |