
Buyer Protection

Protecting Your Blythe Purchase from Click to Delivery

Welcome to ThisIsBlythe Buyer Protection

We want you to shop Blythe Dolls with confidence. That’s why we provide guarantees that ensure you’ll receive your item on time and as described.

What guarantees can I get?

Everyone who shops Blythe Dolls and Blythe Accessories on ThisIsBlythe receives the following guarantees:

Full Refund
if you don’t receive your order

You will get a full refund if your order does not arrive within the delivery time.

Full or Partial Refund
if the item is not as described

If your item is significantly different from the product description, you can A: Return it and get a full refund, or
B: Get a partial refund and keep the item.



How does Buyer Protection work?

If your order hasn’t arrived within the promised time, or isn’t as described – contact us. We are happy to quickly resolve any issues. Please note that ThisIsBlythe.com cannot be hold responsible for any unsatisfactory Blythe doll purchases made out of our website. Also please note that due to unique condition and nature of OOAKS, our custom Blythe dolls sales are final – no refunds & no returns accepted. This Is Blythe doesn’t accept cancellations or returns for on-sale items. We don’t also accept requests to cancel orders made more than an hour ago. Please shop with confidence now.

Proceed to your ShoppingΒ Cart now.

This Is Blythe Team β€οΈ


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